Kevin Shin’s New Song Oppression will be added to the $KVS & Stay Tuned with the Interview of Binance & Kevin!

Voice Street-Daffy Panda
3 min readJul 27, 2022

Today Kevin Shin’s new song Oppression was launched on many streaming platforms, all the income from this song will belong to $KVS holders. Besides this, Kevin Shin will have an interview with Binance at July 28 21:00 UTC. On the day of the live broadcast, 100 NFTs will be launched on Binance NFT platform, and part of the proceeds from the sales will be donated to Binance Charity Foundation for charitable purposes.

Whoever holds Kevin Shin’s NFT token, $KVS, will earn weighted income from the copyright income of the streaming media platforms and Web3-based revenues. First, revenue from streaming platforms, film and TV series licenses, performance and secondary creation rights, and KTV licenses. These revenue sources form the Base APR of Voice Street’s Earning. The other revenue source is based on Web 3.0, including revenue from NFT sales licensing, music copyright licensing, subsidies from the Voice Street platform, etc. These revenue sources constitute the VS Boosted APR. Now the Base APR of $KVS is 101%, the VS Boosted APR of $KVS is 253%, total APR is 354%. More songs means more revenue, there will be more music to be launched in the future. $KVS holders will keep earning in the future.

The Music Fan Earning feature is a great way to upgrade the rights of loyal fans of musicians. Fans can use it to support musicians with the IMO tokens they own and earn rewards at the same time. With the Earning feature, fans can stake their IMO tokens to support their favorite musicians and earn the revenue from the sale of that music, as well as additional VST token rewards.

Check Kevin Shin’s new song Oppression here:

In the upcoming interview with Binance, Kevin Shin will share his music and Charity NFT Project based on his songs. The charity project Kevin decided to donate is Protect Our Planet, this project aims to tackle climate change, restore habitats and oceans, and protect endangered wildlife.

So Kevin will share with us his views on what role music NFTs can play in philanthropy.


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Voice Street-Daffy Panda

VoiceStreet is dedicated to creating a novel web3 music gaming ecosystem that seamlessly integrates the metaverse, music, gaming, and fan communities.