Exploring Multi-Chain Gaming: Insights from Ark of Panda’s Successful AMA Event

Voice Street - Ark of Panda🐼
3 min readMay 27, 2024


Ark of Panda recently hosted an AMA titled “Exploring the Future and Opportunities of Multi-Chain Gaming,” drawing an impressive 85.7K attendees. This event served as a crucial platform for delving into the advancements and strategies propelling the evolution of blockchain in gaming.


Event Overview: A Deep Dive into Multi-Chain Gaming

The AMA explored the current landscape and future trends in GameFi, emphasizing the transition from traditional gaming to incorporating Web3 technologies. The event featured discussions on the quality enhancements in games developed by top-tier developers from the Asian gaming industry, highlighting the role of sophisticated game mechanics and diverse gaming types to engage users.

Technological Innovations and Economic Models

VoiceStreet’s integration of music and blockchain within the Ark of Panda was spotlighted, showcasing their approach to enriching user experience through music-based play-to-earn features, pet development, PvP battles, and more. The event also detailed how the project leveraged dual-token models to sustain its economy and outlined the significant empowerment provided by NFTs, including the platform’s Genesis NFTs (DPGU).

Community and Sustainability

Ark of Panda’s commitment to a sustainable economic model was evident as they discussed the balancing act between attracting traditional gamers and serving the Web3 audience. The event also highlighted the successful beta testing phase and the upcoming premiere reservation event, which promises exciting developments for the community.

Empowering Players Through NFTs and Scripting

The discussion elaborated on how NFTs and scripting within the game environment empower players, turning them into stakeholders with access to exclusive in-game benefits and rewards. This model exemplifies a pioneering approach to community engagement in the GameFi sector.

Closing Remarks: A Look to the Future

The AMA concluded with a forward-looking statement about the impending launch of Ark of Panda and the ongoing efforts to bridge Web2 and Web3 gaming landscapes. The upcoming premiere reservation event and the distribution of DPGU and rich in-game items promise to enhance player involvement and reward community loyalty.

Ark of Panda’s AMA session not only highlighted the project’s innovative strides in GameFi but also reinforced its role as a bridge between traditional gaming and the burgeoning blockchain gaming ecosystem. As the project moves towards its official launch, the gaming community eagerly anticipates the new experiences that Ark of Panda will bring to the digital world.

